December 2, 2019 2022-01-25 12:29About
We exist to help make wellbeing abundant.




Our mission is to bring 1 billion people into a state of fundamental wellbeing by 2030 through the aggregated impact of this global community.
We exist to educate, gather, and activate passionate people committed to building the next generation of transformative technologies that will redefine wellbeing for the next decade.
There has never been a more crucial time for people like you to participate in the advancement of technology for humankind.
Crisis brings
Co-Founder & Publisher
San Francisco, CA, USA
Human sustainability is the one thing missing from the Social Development Goals (SDG). And that is the reason why we exist.
Even after being a high level executive in the games industry, I have never been both happy and fearless, until I came out of a retreat in Japan.
I was there for ten days meditating. And I walked out happy and fearless for the first time in my life. And I finally wasn’t lonely. I felt deeply connected to myself and deeply connected to other people.
My very first thought after this retreat was: I want everyone to feel this way. And I wondered what would the world be like if we would not lack the conviction that comes from being happy and fearless to get things done?
At that exact moment I decided to embark on a journey to work on the factor that the SDG are missing out on. The people factor. Transformative Technology was born to represent an entire category of tools that can accelerate human sustainability at scale. Not only by reducing the net suicide rates, but by developing the tools that can help people flourish. And making them available to everyone.
And because these should be democratized and openly distributed, we are helping the founders who are building the technology to make it possible. This is Transformative Tech. We are the movement that fosters the development of technologies that are better designed and human centered, tech that really reduces the suffering due to the loneliness epidemic, the burnout and anxiety levels, and the rise of depression. And the tech that helps people thrive.

We help people in our community to connect, collaborate, and tell their story.
But we cannot do this alone. We are proud to be supported by a community of chapter leaders and experts, who also love Transformative Tech and put their expertise and energy in place to build the movement along with us.
Our community is made of thousands of founders, innovators, and investors from more than 70 countries with a story to tell. And we are here to provide the spaces and the opportunities for each one of our members to get inspired, learn, and grow.
After a ten-day silent meditation retreat in 2013, my world shifted forever. If we felt deeply connected to myself and to other people and I wondered: “how can such a transformative experience of wellbeing be scaled for all?” What would the world be like if we all were happy and fearless? Transformative Tech represents an entire category of tools that can do this at scale. Because technology had the power to make wellbeing and wellness become abundant and thus scalable, affordable, and accessible.
It wasn’t until I actively worked on my own wellbeing and flourish, that I gathered the confidence and freedom to pursue my purpose of making mental health more accesible and less stigmatized. I said “yes” to Transformative Tech when I realized that the mind is the X factor that can change the entire world history. A healthy, happy, and conscious mind can grow a family, help others, work effectively, find a purpose in life, innovate, and bring real value to the community, and ultimately to the world.
For me, Transformative Tech is a symbol of the emerging generation of companies and investors who look beyond ROI and genuinely want others to live meaningful lives, be healthy and more conscious. Most people I’ve met in this community are going through a transformational journey, using tech as a mirror to establish a deeper connection with themselves. Their mission makes me optimistic during these challenging times.
Transformative Tech brings people together. That’s what really excites me, because that’s what happened to me. I connected with Transformative Tech through people. What we do together is so important, because we are helping our community connect with the person that will help us exceed, succeed, and grow. This is what I love doing.
To me, Transformative Tech is one of humanity’s greatest quests – the quest for wellbeing, solved through some of humanity’s greatest tools – science and technology. This mission deeply speaks to my why because it is my guiding value – compassion (a true concern for the wellbeing of others), not only put into action but made scalable.
Chapter Leads